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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PRIYA printing inks +oval 2
RUCHA screen printing ink 2
S & A printing press 16
SANKALP dyeing & printing 40
SBJ printing press 16
SHARDUL printing press +arc 16
SHIV GANGA printing ink +go 2
SMOOTH printing ink +map 16
SSI silk screen printing in 16
SUNSHINE super printing +su 16
SUPER MAX printing inks 16
TEJODAY dyeing & printing 24
VPI VARSHA printing inks 2
ZHENGWEI printing packaging 7
w WELPAC printing your way 16
KRAFTS printographics +dots 16
WEP printronix 9
A ANGAN prints +woman 24
AAGRAH prints +drops & oval 24
AASHIKA prints 24
ABONY prints 24
ADARSH prints +flower 24
AF ANAND prints 24
AKASH prints +flower 24
ALLOL prints 24
ANITA'S prints 24, 25
ANITAS prints 24, 25
ANJALI prints +flower 24
ANJU prints +oval 24
ANUJA prints 'n' weaves 24
ANUPRIYA prints +flower 24
AP AAISWARYA prints 40
AP ASIAN prints +lamp 24
ARIEL prints +flower 24
ARPIT prints 24
ASHA prints +women 24
B.S. prints 24
BASCO prints +lines 24
BATIK prints 24
BEE THREE prints 24
BHAVESH prints +oval 24
BHAWAM prints b +flowers 24
BHAWANI prints b +flower 24
BINDIYA prints +leaf 24
BONANZA prints +flowers 24
CENTURY 100 prints 16
COLO prints 41, 42
CP CHANDAN prints +oval 24
DEEKAY prints +oval 24
DEEPIKA prints 24
DEEPTEX prints jetpur DT 24
DIGJAM prints +flowers 24
DIMPLE prints B.R. GROUP 24
DIPESH prints +woman 24
DIVYA prints 24
DOSHI prints 24
DT DEEPTEX prints +hexagon 24
EMCO prints 24
ESS-GEE prints 24
FEMI-nari prints 24
FEMINA prints 24
FIRST STEPS +foot prints 16
GALAXY prints +circle 24
GALAXY prints +circle & ova 24
GANGOTRI prints +oval 24
GOVARDHAN prints in gujarat 24
GP GAJANAN prints 24
GUN GUN prints +ovals 24
HABARI african prints 24
JAY prints 24
JAY HANUMAN prints +flowers 24
JAY VIJAY prints 24, 35, 36, 40
JP JAGGA prints +flowers 24
JSN prints +square 24
JYOTI prints 24
K.N.prints 24
KAMAL prints +flowers & ova 24
KDP K.D. prints +circle 24
KHATUMALS prints 24
KJ prints 24
KP KOMAL prints 24
KP KOMAL prints +squares 24
KUNDAN SHAILJA tex prints 24
LAXMI RAMAN prints 24
LAZOR color prints 16
LEEPS prints +arcs 24
LEESA prints 24
LP lovely prints +flower 24
MAHAVIR prints +flower 24
MAHIMA prints 24
MAMA prints 25
MEENA prints +oval 24
MINNICO prints +oval 24
MP PODDAR prints 24
MT MANMOHAN prints 24
N NAMASKAR prints +peacock 24
N NAVEEN prints +circle 24
NAKORA super prints 24
NATRAJ prints +flower 24
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